When do people get CalNet accounts?

CalNet receives its data for students, employees, and affiliates from authoritative sources of that data. For more details, see Authoritative Sources of Data in LDAP.

Below is information on the schedule for account creation for different populations:

Student Account Creation

  • For regular undergraduate and graduate students,  CalNet pulls data into LDAP when students are admitted and before they have returned their Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). These records are held in a "pre-SIR" container in LDAP until students have returned the SIR. For more information, please visit the PreSIR OU page.

Student digital identity data (CalNet ID and passphrase) are added to CalNet as soon as they are admitted. This gives them access to Cal Student Central and related sites necessary to complete the initial registration processes. In order to register for classes, create a bMail account, apply for orientation and housing, etc., students must also be added to the Directory.

  • Fall undergraduate admits are added to the Directory within one hour after the student has submitted the SIR and has paid the initial fees.
  • Fall Program for Freshman students are added in April.
  • Spring undergraduate admits are added in September or October with the same conditions.
  • Graduate students are added in May.
  • Summer students are added in May, once they've been admitted to Summer school.

Employee Account Creation

  • The CalNet Directory picks up employee data within three days of the record being added or updated in UCPath, the campus HR system.
  • The Directory will pick up records for new staff added to UCPath a maximum of 3 months prior to the employee's start date. Returning staff are not picked up until their start date: see Known Issues for additional information.
  • Please note that the Directory does not pick up address information from UCPath. Employees must update their own contact information in the Directory, including campus phone number, address, and working title.

Affiliate Account Creation

Affiliates are entered into UCPath by a sponsoring department. Concurrent Enrollment students are entered via Student Information Systems. Post Docs and Emeriti are entered into UCPath. Affiliates are added to the Directory the day after they are entered into UCPath.